Fractional marketing
and operations.

High value leadership.
Lower cost, commitment and risk.

What is a fractional or outsourced marketer?
An outsourced or fractional marketer does the same kinds of tasks that a full-time VP of Marketing would do, but on a part-time, program, or project specific basis. They ultimately drive positioning, brand awareness and revenue for the organization. Think “on-demand marketing leadership.” More than an advisor, but less than a full-time hire.

Who uses fractional leadership?
Early-stage startups and high growth companies use fractional leadership to fill skills gaps as they scale. Fractional CFOs are often hired to support due diligence as startups seek funding. Human Resources is another area where on-demand, fractional leadership is common. A business may not yet need a full-time senior marketing leadership or have the budget to support the role. That’s where a fractional marketer can help.

What does an outsourced CMO or fractional marketing leader do?
There’s a big difference between the skills required to unlock value through insight, evaluation and experience compared to what is needed for ongoing execution. A senior level leader can help identify opportunities and inefficiencies, put the right systems, levers, processes and measures in place, and build a marketing engine that drives repeatable results.

Strategy, planning, budgeting, campaign design, and oversight of internal or outsourced marketing teams are typical areas of responsibility. A startup-focused fractional leader is willing to “roll up their sleeves” to help their customer scale sustainably and meet their goals. Like a full-time leader, they take accountability for meeting performance targets.

How much does a fractional marketer cost?
Much less than a full time CMO or VP of Marketing.  We work in time-bound sprints, on a project or retainer basis. Estimated costs and deliverables are defined up front. This is to ensure mutual accountability and results.

What kind of marketer do you need?

VC-firm First Round offers some great advice.

Benefits of fractional leadership


Cost and time savings

  • Senior leadership for a fraction of the full-time hire price,

  • Flexibility to free up cash flow and control costs,

  • Reclaim time previously focused on marketing.

Targeted expertise

  • Apply specialized knowledge when needed,

  • Tap into vendor contacts, playbooks, past experience and networks,

  • Provide mentorship to junior marketers.

Leadership and accountability

  • Fresh, impartial perspective,

  • Quicker time to value,

  • Oversight for critical projects, vendor deliverables, driving specific results.


Getting started

Do you have the time and experience to drive successful marketing efforts?
If not, a fractional marketer might be right for you.

Questions to consider

  • What business result(s) are you trying to achieve through marketing?

  • What type of marketer do you need?

  • Are you seeking a short-term plan, a longer term strategy, or both?

  • Will this role provide leadership and strategy, or will it be focused on executing tasks?

Let’s talk. Initial consults are free.