Building a maturity model

Maturity models help internal teams assess effectiveness and determine what capabilities are needed next in order to improve performance.

Marketing teams can use maturity models as a lead generation tool. Sales teams can use maturity models to help SaaS prospects articulate their current and desired state around technology. Within Customer Success, maturity models are a mechanism to align around a shared goal. They offer a next step in the client-vendor partnership, often corresponding with the use of more advanced features or a new product offering.

I've designed and trained teams on maturity models at Airship, Contentful, and Lytics. 

By filling out a short lead gen form, Airship prospects received a customized data study based on their level of sophistication with mobile. The study was based on data from over 500 current customers. It provided a consistent source of leads (and data) for several months after its launch.


Reuse of content generates value for Contentful and their customers. This maturity model included detailed case studies and playbooks for progression along the journey.

The model was used externally with prospects to better understand their business goals and highlight Contentful’s product, and internally by Customer Success to help customers progress along the path to value.

The model was rolled out during the Company offsite and included several days of sales training.


A case study highlighting the early value a customer achieved with Contentful.

Shiny object syndrome is real.
Using data for AI and ML excited many of Lytics’ customers, but collecting, understanding, and cleansing data are the building blocks to these more sophisticated use cases. This model helps customer teams align around data strategy.

You can listen to the webinar here or download a modified version of the presentation.

I worked with Signavio’s marketing team on this whitepaper assessing the business value of process mining and process intelligence. A multi-year study on business transformation by MIT formed the backbone of our approach.
I also led internal sales training on the content, and public webinars.

MIT’s unaffiliated research tightly aligned with one of Signavio’s competitive advantages- their collaboration hub and ability to support both CX and OpEx.


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